Before choosing an indoor medical asset location solution, it is essential to be able to justify the costs of acquiring, implementing and maintaining the system against the return on investment.
Some technological solutions make it possible to efficiently locate assets with an accuracy of approximately 30 centimeters (12 inches), and this, in a few milliseconds. (e.g. UWB)
Such solutions are appropriate in contexts such as:
- Fast and constant movement of equipment in a complex environment where speed is vital
- When tens of thousands of assets are to be located in a limited space
- To precisely locate people
Since each context is unique, it is sometimes justified to opt for a location solution with less precision (6 to 10 meters and more) / (20’ to 33’ and more).
Here are two common examples of context where such a solution may be appropriate:
- The equipment to be located is large and easily visible to the eye given the structure of the building.
- If the area is very large, dispersed over multiple buildings and the solution aims to mainly perform inventories.
RIOH inc. is proud to support healthcare organizations in the process of analyzing and selecting the appropriate RTLS solution for your context and your needs.
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more. Contact us here.