RIOH inc. cumulated years of experience led us to conclude that the priority is to fully understand our customer needs before selecting any technological solution.
The context of a modern medical environment which includes both equipment with wireless network antennas and others without is about a classic case.
In such a situation, the optimal solution involves multiple location technologies combined together.
Fixing location tags (BLE, RFID, etc.) to equipment such as portable glucometers that already have a Wi-Fi antenna might be useless and, potentially could cause adverse effects.
It is more economical to use technologies already in place than to adding new ones.
In the past, setting up, maintaining and using multiple location technologies was complex and could become a major challenge!
Thanks to the unique solutions of RIOH inc. and the support of its team, the integration of various asset location technologies has never been easier!
RIOH Inc. now allows you to find assets via a single user interface that aggregates the information from your different location systems (Wi-Fi, BLE, etc.)
Finding your medical equipment has never been easier!
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more. Contact us here.